Author Archive for Alfred

May 2017

Need More Time?  Take a Break!

Everyone is looking for the magic pill for getting more time, and although once a year we “fall back” and gain an hour, we lose it again in the spring. The reality is that we all get 24 hours in a day. It’s how we use this time that makes us feel like it’s well-spent, or that it’s just not enough. 
There are countless time management ideas in books, articles, and classes, but the latest realization is that these mostly contain advice about organization. Being organized, certainly saves time. And, as you know, I’m an advocate for planning in order to save time during the execution of your projects. Last month I shared two tips for stress management, which can also give you more time. This month I share one simple idea that most people never consider: Take a Break! 
It sounds counterintuitive, but taking a break really can give you more time. “How?”, you ask. 
Imagine that you have worked all day with no breaks (some of you don’t need to imagine this as it’s happening now). How do you feel? Most people feel burnt out, tired, and maybe a bit grumpy when it seems like they can barely breathe, pounding away getting work done. They go home to recover but don’t have any energy left for their families or themselves. Ugh! 
I’ve been there too, but there’s another way. Instead of working straight through your work day without a break, thinking you are gaining time, focus instead on managing your energy. We all know that we get more done when we feel energized. A task can be completed more quickly with better results when we feel good doing it. We also know that the same task can take so much longer when we aren’t at our best. 
The key is to insert breaks in your day when you are feeling positive and energetic and to not wait until it’s unavoidable due to being run down. Visualize charging your cell phone’s battery – it’ll work best if you take breaks to keep it charged up vs. letting it lose all its juice. 
Here are three tips on charging your battery: 
1) Set your timer for every 90 minutes to take a short break. Studies show that even the most attentive adults lose focus after 90 minutes. That’s why we take breaks in our training classes every 90 minutes. You decide how long your break is – just do something active away from your desk like walking to a co-worker’s office instead of sending an email, going outside for fresh air and sun, getting a glass of water to drink, or stretching. Even small breaks can recharge and improve your physical, emotional, and mental energy. 
2) Eat lunch away from your desk. I know it sounds radical for some of you! If you just ate lunch, it’d take about 10 minutes. In the past, when I ate at my desk, there were times where my food got cold, dried up, or even went bad by the time I actually remembered to eat my lunch. Next thing you know, my energy was low and I was cranky from being hungry. Seriously, just take care of yourself by eating lunch without working! You do deserve at least a 10-minute break to eat. This one tip could change your whole life, really. Try it today. 
3) Consider adding exercise in your work day for more energy throughout your day. I know, some of you are thinking you don’t have time, but really you do because you get it back by improving your productivity. People who work out during their lunch hours gained 10 hours of productivity in their 8-hour day – yes, more done in less time! People who worked through lunch had half the productivity level of the exercisers – 5 hours in an 8-hour day. I have decided to try this myself and have been doing 90 minutes of yoga, 3 days a week and it’s made a tremendous difference for me. I am more productive, less stressed, happier, and my back aches are gone! 
I know some of you need some proof that taking breaks and managing your energy actually works, click on this link to view a detailed article with case studies. I encourage you to test it for yourself. Take a break and let me know how it works for you.

April 2017

Stop Stressing: Two Tips


Recent reports show that stress is higher than ever although we have more access to technology, which should be saving us time and making life easier, right?
I hear some of you saying, “Wrong.”  Technology seems to have put us in “always-on, always-available” mode.  In our effort to always be “up,” we have less downtime.  However, how much of this attitude and subsequent behavior are self-inflicted versus imposed?  Some people feel that they must respond immediately to messages and be available via phone 24/7.  There are some professions I work with where that is true (e.g. doctors, hospital facilities crews, IT help desk), but how many of us are simply addicted to urgency? 
In his book, “First Things First,” Stephen R. Covey has “The Urgency Index®” that you can take.  I was embarrassed and alarmed to discover that I am addicted to urgency.  The truth is that I get a rush of adrenaline when responding to “crisis” that may not actually exist, but I create one to feel important, needed, and valuable.  In effect, I’m creating my own stress.  Sometimes there are real emergencies, and other times they show up like “Look an email!  I’m going to respond immediately to show that I’m on top of it!”

Here are two tips that have helped me immensely:

1) Question your assumptions about when something requires an immediate response.  Knowing that I’m addicted to urgency, I’ve disciplined myself to ask people, “When do you need this?” when they make a request instead of dropping everything to help them when they may not need it for days or even weeks.  Surprisingly, they usually ask for it later than I would have delivered it.  Asking for a due date instead of making an assumption means less stress because I have more flexibility to plan my work and deliver a quality product.

2) Spend time on important items like your sleep, diet, exercise, and planning to increase your ability to handle stress and decrease emergencies due to poor planning or insufficient time to think through problems.  For every hour that you spend planning, you will save 20-200 hours during the execution of your project.   Also, invest in strengthening relationships with others to minimize conflict and get support through challenging times.

If you want more planning tools and to learn how to build trusting relationships, join us May 11-12 at our upcoming two-day workshop called, “The Exceptional Project Manager” in Denver. If you are interested in learning more, click on this link to view details or please contact me.

How to Engage Stakeholders

How to Engage Stakeholders

Is your project doooommmmed (scary movie voice) to fail because you forgot a key stakeholder? Last month’s newsletter featured a simple tool coined by the Center for Requirements Excellence (CRE) called a KRAC Analysis. We discussed how to use this tool with stakeholders. Now, let’s define “stakeholders.” Most people think of stakeholders as anyone who is affected by the project or who has an interest. And that’s correct but there’s more.

I encourage you to also think of those individuals who have influence over your project as stakeholders. These are the stakeholders who are often overlooked, which is surprising since they can make your project fail. If we miss those stakeholders, then we are missing requirements, and if we are missing requirements, we are missing scope, and if we are missing scope, we are doooommmmed (scary movie voice) to fail! Why?

Because our stakeholders won’t be satisfied with the end result: the deliverables and/or the benefits won’t be realized according to our customer’s expectations. How do we identify ALL of our stakeholders to ensure that we understand their requirements and expectations? One simple technique is to map them on a grid. Influence goes on the vertical axis from Low at the bottom to High at the top. Interest goes on the horizontal axis from Low on the left side to High on the right side. The strategies about how to treat these stakeholders according to their influence and interest are named in the boxes.

stakeholders, stakeholder, project, projects

Once you have your stakeholders mapped, you may want to check your perceptions with your sponsor.  She/he may have a different view and help you identify missing stakeholders.  Once you have confidence that you have identified ALL your stakeholders, you’ll want to develop stakeholder and communication management plans.

We will discuss these tools and how to have difficult conversations in our upcoming two-day workshop called, “The Exceptional Project Manager” in Denver on April 11-12. If you are interested in learning more, click on this link to view details or please contact me.

Use KRAC to identify needs

We’ve all seen it before – the “deer in the headlights” look when we ask, “What are your requirements?” The problem isn’t them but us. We aren’t asking the right question. Most of the time, stakeholders don’t know what they need, although they are great at telling us the solution.

People pride themselves on solving problems and identifying solutions. Many times, they put the solution before the requirements (needs). Not surprisingly, this is the easiest thing to do but not the smartest. How much money, time, rework, scrap, and frustration result from well-intended decision makers implementing solutions that don’t solve problems or fulfill needs?

We have all been victims of poor decisions in the workplace. It makes sense to stop and elicit requirements from the stakeholders. To help them, you can use a simple tool coined by the Center for Requirements Excellence (CRE) called a KRAC Analysis: Read More →

January 2017

Four easy steps to improve your communication in 2017
Have you ever felt like you weren’t connecting with someone?  From your perspective, you were communicating clearly, yet the other person didn’t get it? Perhaps the other person interrupted you by asking questions that you haven’t answered yet?
Many people have been exposed to the concepts of different styles.  Most instruments have four quadrants of personalities or social styles or thinking styles or communication styles. If you are familiar with these various assessments, as I am having my education in communication and management, you may have noticed some similarities with the four quadrants.
Even if you aren’t familiar with any of these assessments, they can all be neatly summarized into the four items that everyone wants to know when you are communicating:
1)    What
2)    Why
3)    Who
4)    How
According to Dick Cochran at Comstar, this is the correct order to present your ideas, action items, or requests whether in a meeting or via a written format like email.  Some of you who are detailed-oriented may have noted that “when” is missing; you may add it at the end.

The reason why this order works is because the four quadrants consist of assertiveness and pace of communication on the horizontal axis (low on the left side, high on the right).  People who prefer the  “what” and “why” styles are higher on that scale meaning they are more assertive and less patient, so answer their questions first (#1 and #2). People who prefer the “who” and “how” styles are lower on that scale meaning they like more time to think and respond, so they will wait longer for their questions to get answered (#3 and #4).

Of course, no one appreciates being put in a box.  Most people slide up and down these scales to some degree depending upon the situation and the relationship.  Personally, I care about all four of these questions. Ideally, you’d know your audience and flex your communication to that person’s preference. However, many times our audience reflects all four styles, so this is a general recommendation designed to improve your communication.
I encourage you to structure your meetings and emails using this order, see if it makes a difference for you, and let me know your results.  If you are curious about different assessments to improve your communication and teamwork, please contact me.
Happy 2017!



December 2016

 The Power of Kindness


During this holiday season, I am grateful for the kindness that many of you have expressed. In November’s newsletter I shared the challenge that cancer has presented to my family. Your kind words, offers to help, and sympathy shown were greatly appreciated. On November 23rd, the surgeons removed all the cancer from my loved one’s body. We were extra grateful on Thanksgiving.


Cancer is not usually viewed as a gift, but we choose to look at it that way. For my loved one, it was a wake-up call to eat healthier, exercise more, drink less, and quit tobacco. For me, I spend more time with family and friends, connect more deeply with everyone I meet, and savor time instead of being rushed.


This experience has heightened my awareness of small acts of kindness and the massive impact they can have on someone’s life. I know I felt much stronger knowing I had the support of so many people. The simple acts of sending notes, sharing your stories, and offering assistance, helped me feel less stressed, more capable, and more connected to all of you. It felt much easier knowing that I was not alone on this journey.


This season, who will you smile at so someone feels seen? What can you say to ease someone’s fear? How can you help in a way that gives someone hope? Sometimes the kindness of strangers changes lives.


I wish you a happy holiday season and prosperous 2017!

The link between productivity and organization


By focusing on optimization are you actually “Avoiding the real work”? Is your lack of productivity tied to a lack of organization?  Or is it really just “insufficient motivation” due to tasks that are misaligned to your goals, or even “insufficient pressure”, because of deadlines that are too flexible?

To learn more, check out this article on productivity.

November 2016

Giving Thanks in the Midst of Challenges


Life has its ups and downs.  I had realized my dream to design, build, and live in my new home.  My husband and I have enjoyed it for 5 months now, savoring the weather and view.  Then on September 30th, a close family member heard the news that no one wants to hear: “you have cancer.”


Suddenly, life changed. The carefree relaxation that came from enjoying the fruits of our labor disappeared and became filled with research, doctor appointments, and difficult conversations.  For the past three weeks, we have transitioned to an “alkaline” diet, which is touted as “anti-cancer” diet.  The impact of changing nearly everything we eat has affected our social life, meal-times, and simple enjoyment of cooking and dining together.  This is serious, yet we are doing our best to still do things that are fun. We refuse to let cancer rob us of experiencing joy in our lives, especially in the face of death. We are more grateful than ever.


As a professional, I would have never shared this deeply personal life challenge with you because it’s my family’s problem.  In the past, I’d pretend that everything was rosy when it wasn’t and stuff my emotions, which led to what I felt was living a lie and losing myself as a result.  The truth is that my personal life does impact my professional life because I’m me regardless of my environment.  This time, I choose authenticity, honesty, and connection, with you and everyone I meet.


I have learned that relationships with others are what makes life meaningful.  And so I’m sharing this information with you in the hopes that you will hold your friends and loved ones a little closer and longer, be a little nicer and kinder, and be grateful for all that you have in life because we never know how much time we have together.


I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving full of gratitude, even for tough times, as it makes us appreciate what we have and gives us the opportunity to be stronger, more compassionate, and more loving.

Thank you for your friendship.


October 2016

Are Your Values Aligned?
My husband came to work to see this poster hanging on his door (see image to the right).  One of his employees posted it as a surprise, which was worth his time to take the trip the store and spend the money, not to mention coming in early, all to get a laugh. You see, “fun” is an important value at his workplace.  And this was one way to express it, just like Teton Distillery does through their vodka inspired Employee Retention Program.
What does your company value?  And how do those values manifest in behaviors?
On October 3rd, Ready2ACT celebrated our 13th year in business thanks to you! As a service business, it is vitally important to develop and nurture strong relationships in order to thrive.  If I didn’t value that, there would be no way to have a sustainable business.  Admittedly, I’m not always great at expressing my appreciation.  As a leader, I’ve realized that knowing that I care isn’t enough.  My behavior needs to reflect my values.  After all, we are judged by our actions, not our thoughts.
Employees disengage when they read the company values, but do not see them reflected in behaviors such as decisions, hiring, compensation, recognition, policies, etc.  For example, one client said that they valued their employees as family yet didn’t invite all employees to the company picnic.  When I called them out on this, they admitted that only office employees were seen as family members but not field guys. Inconsistency causes confusion.
Are your values and behaviors congruent?  If there is a disconnect, why?  What can you do about the lack of integrity that comes with this incongruence?
Most employees can’t just change the values at their companies.  However, as an employee, you can point out inconsistencies, you can behave in ways that reflect your values, and if the company values don’t fit with your values, I encourage you to find a place that does. When there is a good job match, the company benefits and you’ll feel like you belong.  Your energy, morale, and productivity will increase because you’ll feel like you are contributing to something that you believe in. The company wins, and you win because your values are aligned.
Ready2ACT offers job fit assessments to help companies hire and promote the right people to the right jobs, using their natural strengths.  These scientific assessments are a powerful predictor of performance when used in conjunction with culture fit.  Contact us for more information.


September 2016

How Vodka Retains Employees

While on vacation in Idaho, I visited Grand Teton Distillery.  While on tour, I was surprised to see their employee retention program (see photo).  Curious, I asked, “Is that real?”  The employee replied, “Yes, and it works.”  Still fascinated, I asked more questions: “What is it?” Reply, “Vodka.”  I asked. “How much do they get? She quickly rattled off at least five reasons to imbibe like when the boss is having a bad day or when they celebrate, etc. but they limited person to less than 1 oz. a day.

In a day, fraught with lawsuits and HR policies, I was shocked over this “employee retention program.”  It certainly wouldn’t work for the majority of my clients who require drug testing for safety reasons, yet this very small distillery was very proud that they employed people instead of using bottling machinery, they sourced ingredients locally, and they loved their jobs, bosses, and fellow employees.  No one seemed to abuse the “free vodka” program; it was just another way to express their culture of fun.

What is your employee retention program?  According to Turning the Corner, LLC, here are three tips to consider:


Money isn’t the answer. Raises and increased benefits are important to the well-being of your company, but often the positive results are short-lived. As long as base needs are met, engagement surveys show that many employees will work for less if they believe in the mission, values, and goals of the company.

  1. Know what is important to your employees. Don’t give your employees a branded t-shirt if what they really want is flexible work schedules. Knowing what your employees find important can help you create programs that are valuable to your teams. You may not be able to meet every need, but your efforts will be noticed.
  2. If they want to go, help them leave. If they want to stay, develop them. Sometimes great employees will have opportunities outside of your organization. Embrace this fact and make it easier for them to reach their personal goals. They will become your advocate. Help the ones who are staying with you by creating opportunities for growth, both professionally in your organization and personally. Mentorship programs are a great place to start.
  3. The key to a successful employee retention program is understanding what your employees want and need. While some may like accolades or occasional corporate bling, the vast majority want to feel valued and have significant roles within your organization.

Most times it’s as easy as treating your employees like your customers. Find their pain points and needs, then fill them. We have seen floundering companies lower attrition rates and increase profits simply by showing their employees they are valued.
Contact us if you’re interested in developing an employee retention program.  We will come to your company to teach and demonstrate motivation, rewards, and recognition techniques.