The Power of Kindness

During this holiday season, I am grateful for the kindness that many of you have expressed. In November’s newsletter I shared the challenge that cancer has presented to my family. Your kind words, offers to help, and sympathy shown were greatly appreciated. On November 23rd, the surgeons removed all the cancer from my loved one’s body. We were extra grateful on Thanksgiving.
Cancer is not usually viewed as a gift, but we choose to look at it that way. For my loved one, it was a wake-up call to eat healthier, exercise more, drink less, and quit tobacco. For me, I spend more time with family and friends, connect more deeply with everyone I meet, and savor time instead of being rushed.
This experience has heightened my awareness of small acts of kindness and the massive impact they can have on someone’s life. I know I felt much stronger knowing I had the support of so many people. The simple acts of sending notes, sharing your stories, and offering assistance, helped me feel less stressed, more capable, and more connected to all of you. It felt much easier knowing that I was not alone on this journey.
This season, who will you smile at so someone feels seen? What can you say to ease someone’s fear? How can you help in a way that gives someone hope? Sometimes the kindness of strangers changes lives.
I wish you a happy holiday season and prosperous 2017!