Archive for newsletter

November 2017 – Three Reasons Your Project Will Fail

We all start projects with the best intentions.  Sometimes we experience so much pressure to start working, that we don’t do what’s required to prevent failure at the beginning.  Avoid these three common pitfalls:

1)   Poor sponsorship.
Just as there are important characteristics in team members, there are also critical qualities in good sponsors.  Sponsors tend to be in management level positions so they can removebarriers and obtain resources to get things done.  However, that doesn’t mean that they know what else they need to do to be a good sponsor.  Identify what behaviors you need in your sponsors, and then have a collaborative and respectful conversation with them.  Just like you, they appreciate knowing what they need to do to make the project successful!
2)   Missing agreement.
Every project requires a SMART objective – a Specific, Measurable, Agreed Upon, Results-oriented, and Time-based description of what it’s supposed to accomplish.  Once your project objective has been written, you must get agreement from your key stakeholders.  If you’ve done a good job of uncovering your stakeholders’ requirements, then getting agreement will be much easier.  If you haven’t then conflicts will arise throughout your project, which are usually symptoms of uncovered requirements.
3)   Incomplete requirements.
Most people haven’t had training on how to elicit, clarify, and validate requirements, so it’s no surprise that this is the most common reason for project failure.  Since requirements make up the scope of a project, if you are missing requirements you are missing scope. And if you’re missing scope, your stakeholders will be unhappy with the deliverables. Make certain you identify all of the stakeholders and then get a complete, correct, and clear set of requirements.

A common practice is to rush through the initiation and planning of a project and start executing before requirements are clarified and agreement is obtained:  This is a recipe for failure.  You certainly don’t save any time or money by producing deliverables that don’t meet expectations.  All three of the above pitfalls must be addressed at the start of your project.  Only then can you execute a well-crafted plan according to the needs of your stakeholders.  Slow down to go fast.

Contact us when you’re interested in learning more about successful project management.

October 2017 – We Couldn’t Have Done It Without You!

Happy Anniversary!
You’re invited to celebrate with us!
People often me ask me how I got started in my business. Although it sounds like I planned it all out, it was really serendipitous!

15 years ago I wasn’t challenged or realizing my potential in my position as a Business Analyst/Project Manager, so I decided to start teaching in the evenings at University of Phoenix (UoP) while I worked during the day at my regular job for a Fortune 50 company. UoP provided me with excellent training as a learning facilitator, and I taught management students in Critical Thinking & Decision Making, Management, Organizational Behavior, and Project Management.

As a marketing tool, UoP asked me to deliver one hour lunch and learns at companies. The purpose was to demonstrate the quality of instruction that company employees would receive by attending UoP. It was fun and interesting learning about other companies and from their employees.

After a year, I realized that teaching was my passion, and I wanted to help make people’s jobs easier and less stressful by teaching them professional development and project management skills. On Oct. 1, 2003 I started Achievement Consulting & Training, Inc. (later rebranded as Ready2ACT).

Finding my passion as a teacher and starting my own business has been my greatest joy! I can’t thank you enough for supporting my business, learning from you, and allowing me to be part of your life. If there’s anything that I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me . As a thank you gift, I’m offering a 14% discount on our classes.

Thanks to you we are celebrating our 14 th  anniversary at Ready2ACT! As a token of our appreciation, we’d like to extend a 14% discount to you on our public and eLearning classes:

October 19, 26 and November 2, 9: Register by Oct. 11 for $308 off!
Golden, CO
October 19, 26 and November 2, 9, 16: Register by Oct. 11 for $350 off!
Golden, CO
December 11-15: Register by Oct. 31 for $350 off!
Golden, CO
Use discount code R2A14 for 14% off our eLearning courses through Oct. 31:

Email us at  or call 720-373-2601 for more information.

Thank you for your support!




